Where Are We

The Headquarters of Piacenza

Headquartered in Piacenza: Via Guglielmo De Meis 25, 29122, Piacenza (PC) is the service Tice dedicated to adolescents and young adults with disabilities and special educational needs. An academy where you can learn methods to be evidence-based, personal autonomy, and the skills to set up a life as independent as possible. Each student can learn the essential skills for an autonomous life within a domestic context. The service offers pathways of daily and night training.
CONTACTS: Luca Vescelli 3281993177 EMAIL luca.vascelli@centrotice.it

The seat of Correggio

The seat of Correggio: Via Ronchi di San Prospero, 26, 42015, Correggio (RE). At Tice Correggio, students with learning difficulties/particular educational needs will be able to carry out programs to improve basic skills (reading-writing-calculation), improve battery life/motivation to study, and develop an awareness of the use of the web and new technologies. In addition, adolescents and young adults with psychological difficulties can meet with a team of psychologists and psychotherapists trained in using methods derived from cognitive behavioral therapy.
Contacts: Antonino Ganci 3381599731 Email: antonino.ganci@centrotice.it